Crossroads FeaturedCrossroads

Written with the help of inmates from the Lansing Correctional Facility, Crossroads paints a picture of how things like dealing drugs, gangs, greed, pride and lies can lead to a life of destruction and even death. However, this drama also speaks to those who sit in church every Sunday. Just when you think you’re in control of your life and you know what’s going to happen next, quickly you could find your life spinning out of control. The choices we make in life can make or break us. They often leave us at a Crossroads, wondering what move to make next. Learn more.




Nowhere to RunNowhere to Run

Follow the lives of several teens as they navigate through their days at school, full of judgement and pressure from their peers. Why is the class bully the way he is? Will the new girl ever gain the acceptance she is looking for? Threats will be made, secrets will be revealed, and revenge will be taken. Everyone has experienced rejection at some point in their life. For some, it’s from classmates. For others, it’s from teachers or coaches. Sadly enough, sometimes the rejection they feel from their own parents is what hurts them the most. Rocked World shows that when you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you will never be rejected by Him. Even when you feel like there is Nowhere to Run, He is always there. Learn more.





Bad Brad FeaturedBad Brad; Into Subtle Darkness

When Brad experiences a tragedy as a young boy, it sets up a pattern that he can’t seem to break. Anger, Addiction, and Lies become a way of life for Brad which ends up causing him to hurt everyone he loves. Even as an adult, regardless of how hard he tries to break the cycle, Satan always seems to win. Follow Brad’s life as he is pulled deeper and deeper into subtle darkness until he feels there is no way out. Learn more.